Saturday, January 14, 2012

Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) Review

Consumer ratings: Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU)

Category: DVD
Brand: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
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Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) Consumer Report

Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) Review by GearJammer (Colorado, USA)

This is a great series! I used this series in a class that is geared more for high school graduates and college students. Although this is presented very well, and the scientific eveidence is overwhelmingly pro-creation, I don't think I would use it for junior high or even high school students. I only say that because some of it is detailed just enough, to lose their attention.
That isn't to say that it is way over the heads of ALL high school students, but I think I would be safe in assuming that the information wouldn't be processed well by most high schoolers. In my opinion, this is geared more for the understanding of graduate high schoolers and college students. This would be a great resource for any young adult class!

Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) Review by Christina Banks "Stina Rose" (Ontario, Canada)

This isn't your typical youth curriculum. Focus on the Family has done a great job helping teens think more clearly about what they believe and why. The arguments and apologetics used in the curriculum will help teens stand up in the real world, outside of the safe sphere of our homes and churches.

I was a Christian going to a public school. I can clearly see how a curriculum like this could help teens who are living in that environment. It would be specifically helpful to teens that are looking to attend a secular university.

My husband, who is a scientist, and I enjoyed watching these ten lessons together. It was fuel for many conversations, and I found the experience enlightening. I wish that something like this had been presented in my teen years.

I would highly recommend this TrueU curriculum to youth leaders and/or parents of teenagers.

(I received a complimentary copy of this kit from Tyndale for the purpose of review.)

Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) Review by Scott Asher "ashertopia" (Tennessee)

Normally at BookGateway. com we books for review from publishers but occasionally they will send us a DVD set to check out. This is one of those times. Tyndale and Focus on the Family launched a new line of DVD training / seminars for college age viewers focused on answering questions about the fundamentals of the Christian faith and in an effort to build a deeper and more trustworthy faith. This is volume one in that series.

Dr. Stephen Meyer, of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture is a Cambridge University trained doctor of history and philosophy of science, is the main speaker and the video is filmed on a set created to look like and function as a classroom. His teaching style is to question ideas and share philosophies with the students and allow interaction and conclusions to come by way of conversation. The viewers learn by watching the natural progression of thought.

Meyer focuses on topics having to do with science, something that Christians aren't always as open to as they should be, like, the Big Bang, DNA, and what he calls the "moral necessity of theism." Obviously all these topics are from the Christian perspective and while Meyer is most likely a fundamentalist he doesn't focus on inter-Christian divisive issues like young earth creationism or local flood and the like. As such, Meyer does a better job of staying on topic and educating instead of inciting as so many Christian's who speak on this topic do. The set comes with two DVDs and a 60+ page full color booklet that can be used to follow along with the teaching.

Meyer and Focus on the Family do an admiral job working through the issue of whether or not science supports the possibility of a god. My only concern is that I felt like I was in a classroom in college where I had to take notes but couldn't ask questions. To resolve this concern, the information and conversation would be great as a starting point in a small group or classroom. This would allow for conversation and digestion of the information instead of just having it handed to you.

Does God Exists? is a very well made and intellectually honest DVD set with a well respected and educated facilitator that Christians who are interested in how to reconcile science with religion should pick up and then work with a group to watch. I highly recommend it as a group discussion vehicle or small group curriculum.

Originally published at BookGateway. Com. This review copy was provided by the publisher.

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Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU):: Description

In this first DVD set of the TrueU series, Dr. Stephen Meyer plays a “philosophical survival game,” pitting four worldviews against one another in the quest to decide which one gives the best answers. Dr. Meyer examines the evidence and provides the tools needed for students to defend their faith and make it their own. This is the perfect resource for students preparing to enter college and a culture that may be hostile to their faith. Additional discussion guides can be purchased separately, either in singles (978-1-58997-115-8) or in a 10-pack (978-1-58997-116-5).

Does God Exist? Kit: Building the Scientific Case (TrueU) : Buy today for save more!

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